Thursday, September 26, 2013

hard rubbish

she put it on the verge
mouth set in one straight line 
this was the last of him  
fold up bed where he slept
after whatever it was had 
blown out
blown up
blown away
the hump backed tele
like them — no longer worked
love nest mattress
just looked stained
his clothes
his boots
his shaving cream
book of Australian love poems
back broken
beer fridge with footy stickers
half finished novel
palm fronds she waved
before she saw
he wasn’t going to save her
she wasn’t going to save him

hard rubbish


  1. very effective poem, love descended from thieves as well

  2. Hey thanks Tim.
    I was trying to put the word 'dag' in the first sentence, however, it was too hard. I was deeply affected by the experience of being a guest at the Queensland Poetry Festival. The poets and the audience were generous and giving. And I got a Fan Letter as a result of someone picking up a second hand copy in Frankston, reading it, loving it and writing to me. Is this fame? I ask myself. No reply. Thanks again and best wishes, posting a poem soon. Sunday 16 March. Keep your eye out for it. CX

  3. ....a secondhand copy of Descended from Thieves,
